Transforming an entire house from scratch for a Holiday Party….

…from multiple trees, to fireplaces, to stairways, every room and surface would be touched by our team.

Courtney and I started in August. I created a presentation with multiple inspiration and we narrowed it down to one vision board. The challenge was to merge two color palette. The living room was soft pastel of pink/green and the family room was filled deep burgundy/green with the kitchen in between.

We used the kitchen as the transition point and merge both color palates together. Topping the cabinet with garland, lights and ball and hanging a unique collection of balls over the windows.

The day of the party we brought in flesh flowers and candles in, and the entire vision came to life!

When — December 2022 Where — Westport, CT
Service — Full Design & Execution


Abby & Tom Wedding


Luke's Grad Party